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Our LARGE TRESTLE TABLES can be used as buffet or dining or reception tables. They may also be used to hold presents or goodie bags, or for arts and craft activities.

Wedding Bouquet
Wedding Bouquet



. Furniture for Older Kids & Adults

. For 9 years and above if used as dining tables

. For up to 8 people at a time (depending on arrangement) if used as dining tables. If used as dining tables that are not joined together, each table can accommodate 6 - 8 BANQUET CHAIRS. If joined together in a long row, each table can accommodate 4 - 6 BANQUET CHAIRS (except for end tables which can accommodate 5 - 7 BANQUET CHAIRS). Instead of banquet chairs, 2 benches (which can accommodate 4 people each) may be used.

. 183 cm (72") long x 76 cm (30") wide x 74 cm (29") high

. For use on Flat, Sturdy Ground (Indoors or Under Cover or Outdoors)

. For use only if covered with tablecloths or tablecovers at all times



Our rental fees depend on the date, duration of rental and time of day, and our delivery fees depend on the location (i.e. which part of Singapore) and on the ease of access between the parking/ unloading area and the set-up location. If you'd like to get a quote, please give as much information as possible regarding when and where your event is taking place.  Thank You!

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Inflatables for Wet Play

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© 2019 Bouncy Castles And A Whole Lot More

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